
***If you need any help, contact us at 419-523-3747, we’d be happy to assist you.

girl with book Meet Libby The app for ebooks and audiobooks






Libby, By Overdrive is available in the App Store for Androids and iOS or, use it in 
your web browser at to borrow eBooksaudiobooks, English magazines, Spanish magazines, and  streaming video 

Web browser:
• and search for a library by name or city or zip code
•    Sign in with library card
•    Browse the collection and Borrow a title
•    Install the Libby, By Overdrive app
•    Search for a library by name, city, or zip code
•    Sign in with your library card number and pin
•    Tap on either Yes, I Read With Kindle or Skip
•    Browse the collection and Borrow a title
•    Tap on the 2 books icon located at the bottom of screen to:
            Open your selection
            Manage loan – to return early
            See due date






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