See listing of dates at all 8 locations.
Classes available at four different library locations.
Held at the Fort Jennings and Ottawa Locations.

Princh - Mobile Printing

How to use the service
Printing from your mobile phone or a tablet
1.    When printing at the library: locate the print guide poster near the printer and scan the QR code.
a.    When printing remotely: open your browser, go to and enter 108875 to select the printer
2.    Upload your document(s).
3.    Adjust the settings.
4.    Enter your email address.


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Hoopla Digital is available in the App Store for Androids and iOS, or use it in the web browser at to borrow audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, music, BingePass (magazines, curiosity, & great courses), and TV shows. Titles can be streamed or, downloaded to phones or tablets for offline viewing.