Judge Harry Core
Harry S Core was born September 1, 1873 east of Columbus Grove on the family farm, northwest corner of the sourtheast corner of Section 26 in Pleasant Twp. His parents, David & Rebecca Core moved to Putnam County from West Virginia after the Civil War.
He was born without a left arm, only a stub on the left side. but he never let this stand in his way. He cooked, tied shocks of corn on Arthur Supeenes' farm, worked on his car and tackled anything that came his way.
He received a teacher's certificate at at 16 (1889) and taught school that year. His youngest brother Bert was one of his students and to not show favoritism,Harry was hard on Bert. It is said Bert spent much time under Harry's desk for punishment.
He then attended Crawfis College 1889-1890, then Angola IN 1890-1893 where he received a degree in law. This degree allowed hm to do research but not practice so he then atteneded school 1893-1901 at Ohio Northern & the Ohio State University. He studied under Handy & Unverferth of Ottawa and was admited to the bar in 1900.He opened his law office in Columbus Grove in 1902 where he practiced for until 1927.
He married Anna Baxter April 19, 1885 and had eight children.
Harry was a Demorat in a family of Republicans. He was a City Solicitor for 25 years in Columbus Grove, and was Mayor at the time he was elected to the Common Pleas Court. Served as Prosecuting Attorney 1917-1921 and as Common Pleas Court Judge 1927-1932.
He died from a heart attack in his home July 26, 1932.
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