Library cards

Get a library card

   Cards may be obtained from any location of the PCDL. To obtain a library card, bring a driver's license or state id to any location of the PCDL. Those 17 and under  must be accompanied by parent/legal guardian (with the parent/legal guardian's driver's license or state id) in order to get a card

   If your ID has your current address you will receive your cards the same day and will be able to check out items. If your ID does not have your current address, your library card will be mailed to you. You will not be able to check out items until you have received your card in the mail

  We offer Teacher Cards for K-12 teachers, preschool/daycare instructors, homeschool teachers and others who can produce proof of educator status.  Items checked out on this card are for classroom use only.

Digital Library Card

  • We offer Digital Cards  for accessing digital: books, movies, music, and magazines.  If you already have a card from the PCDL you do not need to apply for a digital card

Loan Period, Fines, Renewals, and Limits

New adult, Juvenile, and Teen fiction and nonfiction - 14 days / **4 renewals
Adult, Juvenile, and Teen books, Playaways, books on CD - 28 days  /** 4 renewals 
Adult, teen, and children's magazines - 7 days  / **4 renewals
*Early Literacy backpacks - 14 days / no renewals
*VOX Books - 14 days / no renewals
Spanish language adult, teen, and children books - 28 days  /** 4 renewals
CDs  - 14 days  / **4 renewals
DVDs - 7 days  / **4 renewals
*Library of things - 14 days / no renewals
   Hotspots, Musical Instruments (Guitar, Mandolin, Ukulele, and Bell Kit), Telescopes, metal detectors, croquet set, yard pong,  
    table tennis, giant edition Sorry game, oversize checkers/tic tac toe, and binoculars 
*Video Games - 7 days / no renewals
Borrowing Limits - 100 items
*These items must be checked out on an adult PCDL card in good standing
**Items may be renewed 4 times if there are no others waiting


There are no fines on overdue material on Juvenile/Teen/Adult books, books on CD, magazines, music CDs, movies, however the PCDL still charges for lost or damaged materials.
"Library of Things" Items are charged $1.00 per day late fee
If fees are $5.00 or more, you will not be able to checkout items
The PCDL uses Unique Management to collect fees owed to the library system

My Account
Check your account, renew materials, and place/suspend holds by downloading the SEO Libraries app, or check your account, renew, and place holds on your computer from the link in the upper right corner of the website. If you do not know your pin and the library has your email on file, click on Forgot My PIN. If your email is not on file, you will need to visit any location of the PCDL to set up your PIN

Returning Materials
You may return books, books on CD, CDs, DVDs to any location of the PCDL or any library in the SEO consortium. Library of Things must be returned to the circulation desk, during open hours,  to the same location of the PCDL that the items were checked out at.

Library card lost or stolen
Visit any location of the PCDL for a replacement card ($2.00 fee) / contact us to have your card blocked. You are responsible for all items checked out on your card, so contact us as soon as possible.