Research Databases: W
What Tree Is It?We will use just two of the parts of trees, leaves and fruit, to identify the common trees of Ohio. Then, after you learn the tree’s name, you can read facts about your tree, or you can bypass the keys and go directly to the tree by name. |
What's That Snake?This program includes 30 species and subspecies of snakes that are found in Ohio. Of these 30 kinds of snakes only three are poisonous and dangerous to people and domestic animals. We also have included one species of poisonous snake that does NOT live in Ohio, the Water Moccasin. |
World Book - L'Encyclopédie DécouverteA dedicated French-language database that easily integrates with Kids, contains easy-to-read articles, thousands of images, and additional activities. |
World Book AdvancedA comprehensive suite of e-learning resources designed for all ages and abilities with articles, videos, educator tools, eBooks, research guides and more. |
World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil HallazgosThis dedicated Spanish-language database contains videos, compare-and-contrast features, selected articles, and a visual dictionary to allow ESL students and Spanish-learners the chance to learn. Integrated with World Book Kids for parallel English-language content. |
WorldBook Banco de Contenidos aula PlanetaThe upper-level Spanish language database, intended for high school students through adult learners. A comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students. |