
Registration Links 
     January 13 Polar Bear & Cub Watercolor Class - all ages - call 419-523-3747 ext 3 beginning Jan 2 at 10 am
     January 15 Polar Bear & Cub Watercolor Class - Ages 16 + - call 419-523-3747 ext 3 beginning Jan 2 at 10 am

Technology Help


What's Happening at the PCDL

Wednesday, December 18
1:00 pm Scam Alert : Receiving payment barcodes from your utility company - Facebook & YouTube
5:30 pm Snowman Watercolor Painting  - Ages 16+ - $10 fee - Register - Ottawa Location

Thursday December 19
5:30 pm Paint Personalized Ornament - Kalida Location - Register
6:00 pm Art Hub Grades K-5 - Create a Holiday Craft - Ottawa Location

Monday, January 6
10:00 am Tech Tips - Google Sheets basics - YouTube
5:30 pm “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel Book Discussion - Ottawa Location

Tuesday, January 7    
5:00 pm Teen Game day - Ottawa Location

Thursday January 9
5:30 pm “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel Book Discussion - Fort Jennings Location
6:00 pm Art Hub Grades K-5 - Ottawa Location    

*Scavenger Hunts at all locations of the PCDL
*Story Walks available at Continental, Fort Jennings, or Ottoville-Monterey Twp Locations